Hoya 55mm Star-Six Effect Glass Filter (S-55STAR6-GB)

STAR-4 adds a dramatic four-cross flare to very bright areas, giving a soft-focus effect. Ideal for photographs of ladies wearing jewelry or other objects with strong reflections. STAR-6 (six-pointed light flares) and STAR-8 (eight-pointed star flares) can also be used for a variety of effects.
Hoya 55mm Star-Eight Effect Glass Filter

STAR-4 adds a dramatic four-cross flare to very bright areas, giving a soft-focus effect. Ideal for photographs of ladies wearing jewelry or other objects with strong reflections. STAR-6 (six-pointed light flares) and STAR-8 (eight-pointed star flares) can also be used for a variety of effects.
Hoya 55mm HRT Circular Polarizing Multi-Coated Filter

This filter uses a newly developed High-Rate Transparency film that passes more visible light through the filter while still filtering the same amount of polarized light. The HOYA HRT circular polarizer filter transmits as much as 25% more light through the polarizing film giving the photographer about 1/3
Hoya 55mm Close-Up Lens kit x 3 (Blue Series)

Available in +1, +2, +3 and +4 diopters for close-up photography. Depth-of-field is shallow so use as small an aperture as possible, CLOSE-UPs offer a world of new creativity.
HOYA 55mm Pro1 Digital Star-4 Multi-Coated Glass Filter

The STAR-4 filter adds a dramatic four-cross flare to very bright areas, giving a soft-focus effect. ldeal for photographs of night scene illumination or other scenes with strong reflections.
Hoya 55MM Infrared Filter R72 (B-Series)

Used for photography with infrared films. lnfrared film is also sensitive to ultraviolet rays and the shorter wavelengths of the visible spectrum so it is necessary to filter out all but the infrared rays.
Hoya 55mm PRO1 Digital Softon A Filter (Graduated)

Creates a picture with a clear focus and a soft gradation. This effect is especially evident on an object with a point light source. A filter randomly arranging minute lens shaped like drops of water on the surface of a acrylic board scatters the light and results in a soft focus
Hoya 55mm Super-HMC Pro 1 Circular Polarizer Multi Coated Extra Thin Glass Filter

Light rays which are reflected by any surface can become polarised and so polarising filters are used to select which light rays enter your camara lens. They allow you to remove unwanted reflections from non-metallic surfaces such as water, glass etc. They also saturate colors and