ZEISS Batis 85mm f/1.8 Lens for Sony E-Mount

Originally developed for SLR cameras requiring a long back focal distance for short focal lengths because of the mirror box (the distance between the back lens element and the film plane must be considerably longer than the focal length), the Distagon lenses (retrofocus design)
ZEISS Batis 25mm f/2.0 Lens for Sony E-Mount

Originally developed for SLR cameras requiring a long back focal distance for short focal lengths because of the mirror box (the distance between the back lens element and the film plane must be considerably longer than the focal length), the Distagon lenses (retrofocus design)
ZEISS Batis 40mm f/2 CF Lens for Sony E

Offering a unique short-normal focal length with a close-focusing design, the Batis 40mm f/2 CF from ZEISS is a Sony E-mount prime further characterized by its advanced optical layout. Based on the Distago
ZEISS Batis 18mm f/2.8 Lens for Sony E-Mount

Originally developed for SLR cameras requiring a long back focal distance for short focal lengths because of the mirror box (the distance between the back lens element and the film plane must be considerably longer than the focal length), the Distagon lenses (retrofocus design)